Murad Modified Montessori

Educational Programs
Educational Consulting

Sarah Murad

M3 Education

BA Art History, Bard College

MA Special/General Education Birth-2nd Grade, Hunter College

NAMC- Preschool/Kindergarten (3-6) Diploma Program


Future Learners & the 21st Century Student

We live in a diverse world where children are inundated with information and often over scheduled.  In order to create long lasting future learners, we must take a step back and think about the student as a whole. 

  • What are their needs
  • How do they learn
  • What is the best learning environment
  • How do they absorb information


Learning can be Difficult or Frustrating!

Selecting a program to fit the needs of the child or children in your environment is crucial.  It is the most important step in setting a learner up for success: without the appropriate approach or support, children can develop an everlasting distaste for school and academia.


Many bright, talented children can be misunderstood or become discouraged, therefore they might under preform….. The solution is M3 Education!  Click on the links below to learn more.

